Certainly one of the most intimate festivals in Europe. This year for the fifth time in the Belgian countryside close to the borders of the river Schelde organised by singing hostess Yvonne Walter. The festival area is called Da Boerenhofke (the farmstead) and there is place for about 500 happy few. Those visitors can enjoy nice wine, beer and delicious local food. And in the evening there are terrace heaters and bonfires to drive away the chilly cool air. Yvonne Walter invites only friends on the stage. On saturday there were Stella Domazos and her quintet, Dez Mona with strings and Mark Murphy prooved to be still top vocalist on word level. He was accompanied by Rob van Bavel on piano, Clemens van der Feen on bass and Chris Strik on drums.
And sunday Yvonne opened with her own trio with Rony Verbiest, Hans van Oost and Mary Hehuat. On sunday there was more then music. There were entertaining intermezzo's by writer Bart Plouvier and writer and actress Antje De Boeck (with musical help of Bart Van Caenegem). And there Argentinian tango's by Carlos Diaz "Zapatango" and before the weather changed closing act Roland Van Campenhout on guitar and vocals.
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